Sunday, March 05, 2017


If you happen to be near Aachen this week, come to hear news about entropy. (this link

Quantum information seminar, Mar 09 11:00, Physikzentrum MBP2 116
SPEAKER: Mohammad Ansari (FZ Jülich)
TITLE: Entropy measurement in quantum systems

ABSTRACT: Entropy is an important measure of information. Being nonlinear in density matrix, its consistent evaluation for a quantum system requires a formalism that allows simultaneous evolution of more-than-one-copy of density matrix. Recently in [MHA and Y. Nazarov, Phys. Rev. B 91, 104303 (2015)] a formalism for such evolutions has been proposed and [MHA and Y. Nazarov, Phys. Rev. B 91, 174307 (2015)] shows that such entropy correspond to physical quantities. Interestingly this correspondence is not equivalent to the second law of thermodynamics. In this talk I describe how to measure entropy flow in a quantum heat engine.


Also next week I am in New Orleans. If you are attending APS March meeting I am going to give a talk in Session L52: Statistics of Ensemble Quantum Systems Wednesday at 11:50 AM in  Room: 399. 

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